4 – The South and its Masks

In 1997, I suddenly discovered and was fascinated by the nature and people of the South of Iran; Bandar Abbas, Hormoz Island, Qeshm. The women with masks and colorful dresses reminded me of stories about Odyssey’s journeys, the sirens, and of Neptune, god of the Seas. The people of the Persian Gulf continue to live with their tales and myths, just as they have done for many years. The mask conceals, but it also recalls the immortality of human beings, womanhood, and the sea.
Acrylic & oil on canvas
- Women-from-the-South
- Woman-with-Dragonchild
- Uroborus (110×90)
- South (120×100)
- Sorrow (40×40)
- Sight (80×40)
- Orpheus (200×100)
- Noon (100×70)
- Night (100×70)
- Mith (120×100)
- Lady-from-the-South
- Hormoz-Island (120×100)
- Fortune (90×90)
- Ariadneh (150×100)
- Abundance (70×50)
- Siren (120×100)
- Niloofar (110×60)
- Mermaid-Princes (100×100)
- Mermaid
- Island (100×70)
- Gol-o-Morgh (110×60)